What to Do While Stranded in the Airport
I've been in the airport all day. I said that with a calm voice but I could really yell it out loud with a lot of anger forreal forreal. Naw I'm good, I have somewhere to be but I didn't really miss a major deadline or appointment- at least not yet.
It helps to have money, a charger, and headphones. Now without those 3 items I probably would have died. I didn't mention my phone because the only people without a cellphone are dead people! Let's not forget proper airport attire, like jeans, a hoodie, and a jacket, cause you know it's cold in here.
Anyway, if you find yourself living in an airport for a day, be productive! I was able to complete a project and make progress on another. I updated my to-do list, made some calls, wrote down some ideas, did a little reading, and watched some YouTube University.
In between my quest for personal excellence, I listened to some music and caught up on an episode with Hulu. My wife checked on me a couple times and I flirted with a gate agent - just to add some excitement while in prison! I HAD to eat a hot, juicy, damn near perfect McDouble from McDonald's because of my unfortunate circumstances and I'm not sorry!
So to wrap it up, if you get trapped in an airport for a day or more, live your best life like always, get some work done, and pray you get outta there!